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Weekly Mortgage Rate Update- 04-30-2024
The word being used to describe inflation is- sticky. First quarter GDP showed the economy slowed from 3.4% in the 4th quarter to 1.6% this quarter.  That’s a big miss from the 2.5% growth expected, but it is still growth albeit much slower.  Normally rates would have improved...
Weekly Mortgage Rate Update- 04/23/24
No pull back in the recent rate spike after the Fed dials back rate cut expectations once again, with the most optimistic now hoping for a cut in the Fall. Fed Chair Jay Powell said after the CPI release, "The recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate that...
Weekly Mortgage Rate Update- 4-16-24
The March CPI report released last week was expected to show inflation moderating, instead it came in higher than expected with inflation increasing 0.4% from February, with core CPI now at 3.8%.  After 3 months of higher inflation data, it’s safe to say this is now a trend...
Weekly Mortgage Rate Update- 04-09-2024
  “Are we there yet?” Sometimes I think we are kids in the car with mom and dad on a long road trip, where time creeps by and it seems like we will never get to the destination.   In this case the driver is not mom and dad but inflation (or maybe Powell).  The...
Weekly Mortgage Rate Update- 04/02/2024
What do you get when you have inflation above target and strong economic indicators?  Not lower interest rates unfortunately. PCE was the main event last week.  It showed inflation increased for the month of February at a pace of 0.3%, but this is less than the increase for the...
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